LM Radio - Sounds
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Station ID, Medium Waves, Dona Emilia late 50s, early 60s
Station ID, Short Waves, Dona Emilia, late 50s, early 60s
Station ID, Short and Medium Waves, Dona Emilia, late 50s - 60s
Station ID - close with National Anthem, Dona Emilia, before 1964
Station ID, Dona Emilia, mid 60s
Station ID, anon woman, mid 60s
Station ID, Lizete Lopes, c 1967-68
Station ID, anon woman & David Davies, c 1968
Station ID, anon woman Dec '69
Station ID, Eugenio Corte-Real 1970's
Station ID, 1975 after independence, anon man
RCM, 'A' programme (Portuguese) station ID from late 60s
RCM "Goodnight Message" read by Manuela Arraiano. This message closed the 'C' Programme at the end of the day. Notice the similarity between this message and David Davies, which in turn was taken from Roy Plomley's message on Radio Normandy.
"A Portuguesa" the Portuguese national anthem as used by RCM to end the day's transmissions. This may have been recorded by the Radio Clube Orchestra
Interval music used on RCM 'A' programme
Trip into the past -
Darryl Jooste (1969)   2.4Mb
David Davies Goodnight message
Radio Normandy sign-off  - 
Roy Plomley
LM New year greetings 1969-70 featuring the voices of the LM announcers of that time
A recording by David Davies from Southport in England in 1951. This recording is taken from the original paper tape. Darryl Jooste used this in his "Trip into the past documentary"
LM Radio "Happy Birthday Song", performers unknown
Remember LM Radio Side 1 (a walk down memory lane featuring programme clips and jingles)
Remember LM Radio Side 2
The LM Radio Story - Part 1a
A 6 part series by Chris Turner which traces the history of LM Radio from 1936 to the final broadcast in 1975
The LM Radio Story - Part 1b
The LM Radio Story - Part 2a
The LM Radio Story - Part 2b
The LM Radio Story - Part 3a
The LM Radio Story - Part 3b
The LM Radio Story - Part 4a
The LM Radio Story - Part 4b
The LM Radio Story - Part 5a
The LM Radio Story - Part 5b
The LM Radio Story - Part 6a
The LM Radio Story - Part 6b
Peter de Nobrega
LM Radio Final Close Down,
12 October 1975


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"Much More Music Station"



©2004 - 2009 Chris Turner