site records the History of Radio Clube de Moçambique,
Lourenco Marques Radio the first commercial radio station in Africa

Palace in Lourenco Marques
The Home of Lourenco Marques Radio
LM Radio was on the air from 1936 until 1975 and
played a very important role in shaping the style and content of
broadcasting in South Africa. The station identification was
transmitted every hour on the hour in Portugese.
"Aqui Portugal Mocambique,
fala-vos o Radio Clube em Lourenco Marques transmitindo em ondas
curtas e medias"
Click here to listen
(roughly translated this says:
Here is Portugal Mocambique calling you from the Radio Club of
Lourenco Marques transmitting on short and medium waves)
Note: Click Shift + Refresh to see new content.
the new LM Radio, broadcasting on 87.8 FM in Maputo, on satellite
and streaming on
click on the logo below.
2 part walk down
memory lane - Remember LM Radio - click
Added Station ID recordings - click
Listen to "The LM Radio Story" in 6
parts, for interviews, sound clips and jingles.
Click here to listen
Jingle Page -
click here
See the transmitters and studios -
click here
We would love to hear
from anyone who has memorabilia, recordings, photographs or memories
that they would like to contribute to the site.
Email the curator - see the contact us
To comment visit
Chris's Radio Pages >>>
In 1975 Radio Clube de Mocambique became Radio

Listen to Radio That
Entertains you ....
